goal setting

Goal Setting Strategies – Cloud Realty


Checkout what Will Yohana from Cloud Realty and in their January 2022 Newsletter has to say about goal setting:


Whether your goal is to buy a home or give up a bad habit, it’s important to track your progress.
I’m a huge believer in lists, whether it’s going to the grocery store or packing for a trip. The best thing I love about lists though is the satisfaction of crossing things off!

Studies have shown that a surge of dopamine is released each time an item is crossed off a to-do list which then fuels us to tackle other tasks. It’s basically a snowball effect that helps us get things done.

Listing and tracking your goals is the best way to hold yourself accountable so to make things easy, here’s a downloadable goal planner and to-do list to help you easily chart out the days, weeks and months ahead.

Goals are often financially related, such as saving up for a downpayment to buy a home, but there’s more to life than money so it’s important to also set goals for the following areas:


family (ie. spend more time with family)
physical (ie. work out on a regular basis)
spiritual (ie. volunteer more often)
social (ie. join a networking club)
mental (ie. learn a new language)


Once you have a general idea of what your goals are, use the following guidelines to fine-tune them:
Step Up
Specify the steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve each goal and then break down large goals into achievable, “bite-size” pieces.
Write On
It’s important to write your goals down and place them by your computer, bathroom mirror, car’s dashboard, etc.
Seeing Is Believing
Take time each day to close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving your goals and enjoying the rewards that follow.


Download Your Goal Planner

Goal setting is like therapy as it provides us with a focused direction and a sense of purpose. Your enthusiasm will increase as you start to achieve your goals which, in turn, boosts your self-esteem.
Planning out your goals helps to reduce the stress that comes from feeling powerless and out of control. If you make it your goal right now to take control of your future, 2022 may just be your best year yet!


Reach out to Will Yohana at Cloud Realty for more information will@willyohana.com  or 519-593-3912.



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