Home page of new SMP Law screenshot

“The Word is Out!” SMP Law has a New Website and Logo!

Check out some of the new key features:

  • Numerous group pictures of the SMP Law team as well as youth pictures and Fun Facts of each team member;
  • A Picture Flow Chart of SMP Law’s Process of who you will be working with at each stage in your legal matter;
  • A categorized blog page so you can read current and past blog postings that are relevant to you;
  • A community page showing SMP Law’s contributions to the community;
  • Testimonials and reviews about SMP Law, including what some Judge’s have said about my legal skills; and,
  • We revamped our practice areas of Family Law, Estate Law, and Civil Law to make them easily accessible to you.


Contact us anytime at SMP Law to help SiMPlify your legal matter at 905-565-9494 or email info@smplaw.ca if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to meet and discuss your situation and how we can help.