SMP Law – Parental Alienation

Parental alienation continues to be an ongoing challenge we see in family law matters. SMP Law has created several blogs on the topic of parental alienation so as a reminder, the term parental alienation references “a child is expressing extreme negative feelings about a parent that are not supported by their experiences”. 

SMP Law – Parental Alienation and Intimate Partner Violence

As the term “parental alienation” is gaining popularity in the court system, it is becoming more and more important to ensure that the term does not mask intimate partner violence (IPV). Unfortunately, the defense to a parental alienation allegation can sometimes be misused to draw attention away from IPV, with detrimental results for families and children experiencing IPV.

SMP Law – What is Custody Reversal?

Custody reversal refers to the removal of children from one parent into the sole custody of the other parent – either temporarily or permanently. This court ordered decision can occur for a variety of reasons, one of them being in severe cases of parental alienation.

SMP Law – Parental Alienation Series Part 1

The concept of “Alienation” has a grounds for reversing parenting rights has been receiving increasing attention over the last few years. As stated in SMP Law’s post on parental alienation “What is Alienation?"  a common theme of alienation is “a child is expressing extreme negative feelings about a parent that are not supported by their experiences”. 
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